The Hypodermic Syringe Model
This theory suggests that that audience just accepts media messages which are being given to them. In relation to my coursework the meanings of the images associated with my chosen song will be mediated by the audience, whereas the song itself as music will be received more passively. There is a process of mediation between the song and the image, the choice of the image impacts upon audiences in different ways.

Uses and Gratification Model
For this theory I noticed that audiences consume texts for different reasons as in 1948 Laswell said that media texts have different functions for individuals and society. These being surveillance, correlation, entertainment and cultural transmission, however for music videos I shall be concentrating on entertainment as this is the main factor why audiences consume them. In 1974 Blulmer and Katz researched and developed the theory deciding that people choose media texts and consume them for certain reasons the two which are appropriate for music videos are diversion and personal identity. Diversion clearly is the escape from everyday life while perhaps more interestingly personal identity is relating yourself to media texts and creating learning and behaviour factors from the text. This is particularly useful for my coursework as there is a strong relationship between young people and music as it helps them associate themselves within certain social groups, for example indie and r'n'b music are followed by distinctly different audiences and social sub groups. Beyonce's music is classed as mainstream pop, therefore we were easily able to target our audience and know what they like as we did research into many similar pop videos, which have been designed to appeal to that specific audience. We were then able to design our work to appeal to that specific audience more easily.
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