In conclusion I am very happy with my media product and ancillary texts, they all combine in together to build up the star persona and reach what the target audience wanted, meaning it is a success. We aimed to follow in the style of Beyonce's previous texts, this made our work appeal more to the audience as they were fans of Beyonce and liked her work. The elements I would change would be locations within the school grounds we were very lucky to have the modern dance studio and period buildings which fitted in well with our plan, I would of liked a different setting for the car scene instead of the car park and for other areas where she danced. However we had issues with going off school grounds due to transport and Renie being a boarder, so there was time limitations.
Friday, 5 March 2010
Friday, 12 February 2010
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Video for the video research that we conducted as mentioned earlier on in the blog showed that a key feature is the promotion of the artist alongside the song, rather than just the music becoming the main focus. we acted upon this by making the video mainly about performance rather than narrative but did have a small focus on storyline where she moves from reality to the world she aims to be in and where she meets with her lover and what elements change. This follows in the style of Beyonce as she focuses on performance within her productions. Research showed the artist needed to have costume changes and different locations for performance and narrative. With Renie we changed her costume enough times so that the audience was not bored and as shown in the evaluation questionnaire our target audience believed we had included enough locations and outfit changes that the video needed. Research showed that many music videos have a link between lyrics and narrative, we decided to challenge this convention by focusing on performance rather than narrative, this was a risky option but however it seemed to work well as our target audience enjoyed it and it also fitted alongside Beyonce's previous videos. Here is the video of Single Ladies, this was a very big hit for Beyonce with the video becoming very popular even though it goes against many conventions as there are no outfit or location changes. We decided to accommodate a medium where we worked between two of her videos of including some outfit and location changes as she seems to do this in her videos. The link to this next video shows Beyonce singing Sweet Dreams, this video incorporated many outfit and location changes. It also concentrated on performance rather than narrative like ours did and also had her performing on her own.
Digi Pack in our research we learnt that most of the covers strongly feature the stars face/body signifying strong attitude along with the bold title of the song with the artists name. Single covers usually portray what the song will be like, such as covers that are full of attitude the song will reflect this. In our digi pack cover we featured the star with the writing in the bottom right corner, therefore emphasising the stars persona without the writing overpowering this aspect. The stars name is usually twice the size of the song name to dramatise who produced it. All of the stars are dressed up with heavy make up and costume to reflect their beauty and how powerful they are in the industry. We followed these conventions as they seemed to draw the audience in well to purchasing the product. The only element we did change was on the disc we decided to use the iconic image of the dark glasses along with the star's name, we believed this worked better than having another image of the star, she is already featured four times on the pack. We also believed that when the disc was out of the case it is a recognizable aspect and does draw in the attention of the audience to wonder what is on the disc. The other idea we worked with was most covers use bright colours whereas we chose black as it made the pink writing stand out and also contrasted against the tone of her skin colour. The pink lipstick we used provided a link with the writing and drew out the colour in her face. Here is Lady Gaga's album cover when similarly to ours she has been placed on a black background to draw focus to her face. Text has also been kept limited like ours to keep the focus on her.

Magazine Advert research showed that most adverts included an image of some sort, the star's name, the album's name, a website address, date of release, where it can be purchased. There sometimes is a review and a picture of the album cover. We accepted these conventions as the best ideas to follow but made some slight changes to increase the quality of our work. We did not include any mention of the album or a picture of the album cover as it is a video single the album has not been released yet so there was no need to make reference. Again we chose to use a black background as it referenced to our digi pack and also provided a link to our other works so that the audience could recognize the package easily. Here is an example of Beyonce's advertisement for her tour, in a similar way to ours it uses bold writing and has an image of her that draws the attention of the audience in. In an opposite way to ours they have selected a white background with red writing that provides as much contrast as our black background with pink writing.
How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
As found out in our audience research the main product and the ancillary texts compliment and work well together to promote Beyonce and the video single. The video is supported via the magazine advert and the digi pack to portray the star persona and provide a full package to attract in the audience.
Using all of our products we managed to create an iconic image, to portray the star persona. This was emphasized especially by the choice of using dark sunglasses to hide her eyes away from the audience, we chose to do this so that her star persona was mysterious and kept a hidden element of her Diva attitude.
Video In the video we chose to project the song via the medium of performance, the dark glasses featured largely as this kept her identity slightly from the audience, we wanted her to give off a Diva persona. This helped her increase the attitude she admitted and strongly gave the impression that she only cared about herself. Very self orientated where she is dancing whilst looking at herself in the mirror and where she is walking round the car before coming to a stop in front of her lover where she looks down on him giving the element of control.We used dance moves combined with close ups to draw attention to the star rather than the background, she is the main persona and requires as a Diva everybody's full attention.
Magazine Music Video Advert With this advert we decided to draw attention just to Beyonce as she is the star and if notice is took of her it will be remembered. Dark glasses were used again to provide a link to the video and a focus point of interest as the audience will want to know why she is hiding away therefore will be drawn to consuming the video. This makes the star image mysterious with a unobtainable element to reaching her, but subsequently provides a link to the video and the digi pack as it is a recognizable image. A representation of performance was used by placing spot lights within her glasses, the indication is given that she is 'starstruck' with lights in her eyes.
Digi Pack The digi pack draws the main pieces together, its links with the advert via using the same cover image to provide recognition. We chose to light up her face with the image of a spot light, this encourages a link to performance, via the lighting in the dance studio. As with the performance Beyonce is the star so we kept all over images and text small so that she could shine out from the cover and draw in the audience's attention. For the disc we chose to select the iconic image of the dark glasses to provide a link to the perfomance as it is a memorable image.
All of the three texts link together in representation of Beyonce's star persona, the audience is drawn in via the strong Diva like presentation of the star and the performance she puts on.
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
In the process of completion of this project, new media technologies featured largely in all aspects. The main feature was the Internet, especially for blogging which is a new media technology rather than the old method of hand written coursework.
Research and planning in research the iMac's featured largely, access to the Internet was needed to research Beyonce, her music, previous videos and videos of artists that link and use similar techniques.Youtube featured largely as it provides access to all music videos made so research was brought up easier and we could cross reference to find links. Lyrics are made readily available so that we did not have to listen thoroughly to the song to find out what she was singing so that we could make references in the video, for example her wearing stilettos. The Internet was helpful for images and photos, we could easily find previous digi packs and magazine adverts to obtain the idea of what genre is used and what conventions tend to be followed, for example using the star on the front cover. Web 2.0 is user generated content, we used this to research past student music video work. This helped with seeing how previous students had overcome using limited resources to create a good piece of work, for example the video below which uses simple camera shots and is based in a home location and surrounding areas rather than fancy locations.
Construction for construction new media was very important. Firstly we selected a Panasonic GS500 mini DV digital camera, we selected the aspect ratio in wide-screen to ensure we could include the most image in our production in a more modern format rather than the traditional small screen. For sound recording we selected 16bit to ensure the best quality used and rather than placing the track in with the performance, we placed it in last on top so that no sound quality was compromised. On the iMac we used the program Premiere Pro to upload our video to complete the editing process. Premiere Pro allowed us to focus separately on sound and the video work and we could include different effects such as using black and white and introducing fades to switch from reality to her dream world. For images we edited and created we chose to stay within the Adobe package and use PhotoShop as it increased the picture quality and ensured the images were neat. After effects used three screen editing so that we could increase the editing process to ensure that all lighting levels were equal and that the cuts were correct, this increased the professionalism of the video to give a more realistic appeal. To print our magazine advert and digi pack we used a laser print on high quality paper to ensure the best colour quality and finish.
Evaluation for the evaluation process we used, this ensured we could write a fully accurate report for our evaluation but also gave us the added extra of being able to include work in progress in our write up, for example videos and images. This is a large improvement in technology of our coursework because using images in the write up make aspects easier to explain but also illustrated the points that were made. If I had just written up the process I would not have been able to illustrate with examples or be able to keep along a work in progress because as we edited or changed something in the project I was able to change my blog at the same time to show what had occurred.
Thursday, 11 February 2010
What have you learned from your audience feedback?-Analysis of Questionnaire
The audience feedback has helped us learn what our video has achieved, their view on it and whether we have reached the task of creating a music video with ancillary texts. Overall I have learnt that our video is seen as very good, it would be watched in the audience's own time and that the shots, location and costumes were acceptable and in tune with the song. The downside was the issue of dancers, our audience would have preferred if there were backing dancers as well as Beyonce, we agreed on this issue, however it was very hard to find committed dancers and this issue continued unresolved until Renie agreed to star. With only one committed dancer we had to continue with her, but in a few of Beyonce's videos she is just on her own and this does seem to work well in the Diva video due to her being just one star persona.Here is an example of Beyonce performing on her own but her lover is filmed too, this is similar to our video and works just as well. Below is the analysis of our questionnaire and audience feedback. We also conducted audience research about the link between the video and the ancillary texts, our audience thought that the cover and magazine advert worked well in aiding Beyonce's star persona, with the dark glasses her identity was hidden and this gave a mysterious element that drew in the audience and they wanted to know more. This then led to them watched the video, providing a strong link in that the ancillary texts gain the audience's attention so that they want to view the rest of the package. From the feedback I have learnt that the video would have been more effective if there was more dancers and if the opening and ending shots were shortened in sequence length, if I had the chance to complete this project again I would have ensured I found more dancers and that we had the chance to include more locations away from the school scene.
Here are the responses from the questionnaire we handed out alongside the preview of our video.
1-- This is a very good response showing that everyone that viewed our video liked it, there were no ten out of ten's, however as this is not a professional music video we were not expecting these. We were very happy that nobody rated it less than a six, showing that our product is above average.
2-- We learnt here that many believe the performance in the video was appropriate for the song, however some quotes from the audience said there could have been more emphasis on the Diva aspect and she could of portrayed more attitude. Renie put on a good performance as Beyonce, putting emphasis on her Diva attitude within the acting and dancing, however she could not achieve what Beyonce does best which is portray sexual elements within her videos, including dancing in her underwear very provocatively. As we are in a school environment we could not expect Renie to do this and it would not be appropriate in the location.
3--From this we can see that many would of preferred the video if it included more dancers which Beyonce usually does in her videos apart from Videophone. We could not meet this requirement as we had trouble finding dancers as explained earlier on. If there was more time to complete the project we would have tried harder to search further for dancers but with the time restrictions we had to manage with Renie, I believe this did work well and with the positive response from the audience this is shown.
4-- Our audience mainly agreed with us that focusing more on Beyonce performing rather than including a storyline was the best option. Our audience said that it worked well as they saw more of her and that the song does not have a story within the lyrics. With the Diva song there is no storyline within the lyrics as with most conventional music, this is where Beyonce stands out and the audience's response reflected that we made the best decision concentrating on her star persona instead.
5-- This overall had a good response with only one person thinking it was too long, we had this issue however it does look effective with the lead up to the start and finish.
6-- It was agreed there are enough costume changes in the video, it may of looked better with some more. However we could not change her outfit in the dance studio as it would give the illusion that she left which she did not.
7-- Everyone agreed there were enough close up shots of Beyonce singing, especially with the green screen used which just focuses on her head and shoulders in the shot.
8-- Many thought that the locations were suitable within, if possible we would of liked to include more but there was no option as we could not leave the school site due to Renie being a boarder.
9-- There are enough different shots to satisfy the audience and from the feedback we can tell they did not get bored as it was a continual, quick flowing video.
10-- Many said they would watch the video in their own personal time which is a positive response as it shows we have completed the task to create a music video. The aim of the video is to draw the audience in and ours has achieved this.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Near Completion
After Effects
- We have changed all of the lighting aspects in the dance studio so that you cannot see the different light changes from where the sun has altered position. We chose a more golden glow and used a focused light point with blurred edges so that the audience's attention is drawn just to Beyonce, letting the background take a less important role
- We made sure there were no jumps in the cuts and that the video flowed smoothly, there was one error we noticed where she altered position too quickly, so that we had to insert a different dance shot in there
- We made the decision to cut some of the ending from the song, as our video had reached nearly 5 minutes it was starting to get repetitive and with a cut of 40seconds it is now a quicker and more fluent sequence.
Completing the video in these programmes has helped give a more professional edge and made us take more notice of our video from a respective angle, therefore we could make significant changes such as the light issue which we had not noticed before.
1. How do you rate our music video? (Please circle)
Poor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent
2. Do you think that the performance in the video is appropriate for the song and why?
Yes No
3. Do you think that it would have looked better with 2 more dancers or just the one dancer?
Yes No
4. In the video we have focused more on performance than a storyline, do you think that is work well with the song and why?
Yes No
5. How would you describe the opening and ending scenes before the music starts and why? (only circle one)
Too long Too short Not appropriate Very good Excellent Average
6. Do you think that there are enough costume changes throughout the video?
Yes No
7. Do you think there are enough close up shots of Beyonce singing?
Yes No
8. Do you think the locations are suitable for the music video and the song?
Yes No
9. Are there enough different shots throughout the music video?
Yes No
10. Would you watch the film in your own social time?
Yes No
Thank you for completing the questionnaire
Here is the questionnaire that we are going to hand out when we show the final production of our music video, which is now complete. This will allow us to take in our target markets opinion of what we have created and whether we have succeeded. We chose to ask ten simple questions which fitted onto one single sheet of A4, this makes the situation easier for the audience as they do not have to write long responses due to many questions being circle answers and only requiring a select few simple responses. We hoped this would give a more accurate response as the audience would not get bored of writing out long answers.