Friday, 12 February 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

In the process of completion of this project, new media technologies featured largely in all aspects. The main feature was the Internet, especially for blogging which is a new media technology rather than the old method of hand written coursework.

Research and planning in research the iMac's featured largely, access to the Internet was needed to research Beyonce, her music, previous videos and videos of artists that link and use similar techniques.Youtube featured largely as it provides access to all music videos made so research was brought up easier and we could cross reference to find links. Lyrics are made readily available so that we did not have to listen thoroughly to the song to find out what she was singing so that we could make references in the video, for example her wearing stilettos. The Internet was helpful for images and photos, we could easily find previous digi packs and magazine adverts to obtain the idea of what genre is used and what conventions tend to be followed, for example using the star on the front cover. Web 2.0 is user generated content, we used this to research past student music video work. This helped with seeing how previous students had overcome using limited resources to create a good piece of work, for example the video below which uses simple camera shots and is based in a home location and surrounding areas rather than fancy locations.   

Construction for construction new media was very important. Firstly we selected a Panasonic GS500 mini DV digital camera, we selected the aspect ratio in wide-screen to ensure we could include the most image in our production in a more modern format rather than the traditional small screen. For sound recording we selected 16bit to ensure the best quality used and rather than placing the track in with the performance, we placed it in last on top so that no sound quality was compromised. On the iMac we used the program Premiere Pro to upload our video to complete the editing process. Premiere Pro allowed us to focus separately on sound and the video work and we could include different effects such as using black and white and introducing fades to switch from reality to her dream world. For images we edited and created we chose to stay within the Adobe package and use PhotoShop as it increased the picture quality and ensured the images were neat. After effects used three screen editing so that we could increase the editing process to ensure that all lighting levels were equal and that the cuts were correct, this increased the professionalism of the video to give a more realistic appeal. To print our magazine advert and digi pack we used a laser print on high quality paper to ensure the best colour quality and finish.

Evaluation for the evaluation process we used, this ensured we could write a fully accurate report for our evaluation but also gave us the added extra of being able to include work in progress in our write up, for example videos and images. This is a large improvement in technology of our coursework because using images in the write up make aspects easier to explain but also illustrated the points that were made. If I had just written up the process I would not have been able to illustrate with examples or be able to keep along a work in progress because as we edited or changed something in the project I was able to change my blog at the same time to show what had occurred. 

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