Video for the video research that we conducted as mentioned earlier on in the blog showed that a key feature is the promotion of the artist alongside the song, rather than just the music becoming the main focus. we acted upon this by making the video mainly about performance rather than narrative but did have a small focus on storyline where she moves from reality to the world she aims to be in and where she meets with her lover and what elements change. This follows in the style of Beyonce as she focuses on performance within her productions. Research showed the artist needed to have costume changes and different locations for performance and narrative. With Renie we changed her costume enough times so that the audience was not bored and as shown in the evaluation questionnaire our target audience believed we had included enough locations and outfit changes that the video needed. Research showed that many music videos have a link between lyrics and narrative, we decided to challenge this convention by focusing on performance rather than narrative, this was a risky option but however it seemed to work well as our target audience enjoyed it and it also fitted alongside Beyonce's previous videos. Here is the video of Single Ladies, this was a very big hit for Beyonce with the video becoming very popular even though it goes against many conventions as there are no outfit or location changes. We decided to accommodate a medium where we worked between two of her videos of including some outfit and location changes as she seems to do this in her videos. The link to this next video shows Beyonce singing Sweet Dreams, this video incorporated many outfit and location changes. It also concentrated on performance rather than narrative like ours did and also had her performing on her own.
Digi Pack in our research we learnt that most of the covers strongly feature the stars face/body signifying strong attitude along with the bold title of the song with the artists name. Single covers usually portray what the song will be like, such as covers that are full of attitude the song will reflect this. In our digi pack cover we featured the star with the writing in the bottom right corner, therefore emphasising the stars persona without the writing overpowering this aspect. The stars name is usually twice the size of the song name to dramatise who produced it. All of the stars are dressed up with heavy make up and costume to reflect their beauty and how powerful they are in the industry. We followed these conventions as they seemed to draw the audience in well to purchasing the product. The only element we did change was on the disc we decided to use the iconic image of the dark glasses along with the star's name, we believed this worked better than having another image of the star, she is already featured four times on the pack. We also believed that when the disc was out of the case it is a recognizable aspect and does draw in the attention of the audience to wonder what is on the disc. The other idea we worked with was most covers use bright colours whereas we chose black as it made the pink writing stand out and also contrasted against the tone of her skin colour. The pink lipstick we used provided a link with the writing and drew out the colour in her face. Here is Lady Gaga's album cover when similarly to ours she has been placed on a black background to draw focus to her face. Text has also been kept limited like ours to keep the focus on her. Like ours she has been put in dark glasses which provides no emotional give away and is challenging the audience as she looks out. We used pink lipstick to draw in attention to Beyonce's lips, Lady Gaga has been featured the same but with a gleam on her lips to provide a sensual challenge for the audience.
Magazine Advert research showed that most adverts included an image of some sort, the star's name, the album's name, a website address, date of release, where it can be purchased. There sometimes is a review and a picture of the album cover. We accepted these conventions as the best ideas to follow but made some slight changes to increase the quality of our work. We did not include any mention of the album or a picture of the album cover as it is a video single the album has not been released yet so there was no need to make reference. Again we chose to use a black background as it referenced to our digi pack and also provided a link to our other works so that the audience could recognize the package easily. Here is an example of Beyonce's advertisement for her tour, in a similar way to ours it uses bold writing and has an image of her that draws the attention of the audience in. In an opposite way to ours they have selected a white background with red writing that provides as much contrast as our black background with pink writing.
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